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» » How to Increase Your Website Speed -

Top10 tips for Improving Site Speed

Blogging is a very common thing and very much popular also which is now used by almost every internet savvy people. But there is a problem which is facing by many people that the loading time of the blog. Sometimes it brings irritations amongst the readers and they leave the blog. By this you will lose your readers and also increase your bounce rate of blog. Thus you have to implement some business strategy to handle with this problem by reducing blog loading time. Below there are some useful tips of how to reduce the loading time of a blog.

#1 Start using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) :-

                It’s so worth it, especially if you have a decent amount of traffic. Your audience will thank you with extra dollars.

MaxCDN - Lots of people say good things.
CacheFly - Another trustworthy provider.
Cloudflare - Part CDN, part security tool. 
Inscapsula – similar to Cloudflare, but has shown to offer a much better level of security / protection according to research.

#2 Host your static files in the cloud that uses a CDN :-
             Serve static content from a cookieless domain, backed by a CDN. Why cookieless domains? Every time a browser sends an HTTP request, it has to send all associated cookies that have been set for that domain and path along with it. Static content, such as images, javascript and CSS files, don’t need to be accompanied by cookies. You can decrease latency by serving static resources from a domain that doesn’t serve cookies.

#3 Install Google PageSpeed on your server :-

         PageSpeed improves web page latency and bandwidth usage by changing the resources on that web page to implement web performance best practices. It will automatically apply web performance best practices to web pages and associated assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) without requiring that you modify your existing content or workflow. Plug’n'play.

#4 Optimize your images :-

          Images can be large, and make your website slow to load. That’s why you need to reduce the file size of your photos that you use on your blog posts and other content, logo files, graphics etc. The good thing is that you can significantly reduce image size without compromising quality.

                 If you use WordPress, use a plugin like EWWW Image Optimizer which optimizes your images as you upload them (can also optimize them in bulk in Media Library). 

#5 Optimizing the size of image :-

        If the image of your blog and website take lots of spaces at your blog then there is a change for taking more time to loading the blog. Thus there is advisable to take help of some picture editor tools to optimize the size of the image. Below there are some external picture editors which is very much useful-

  • JPEG and PNG Stripper

  • Using Online Image Optimizer is also a great internet marketing strategy

  • is also a great tool

  • SuperGIF
                      If you are using 700 X 700 pixels size image for 400 X 400 to your post means, edit that image size in mspaint , photoshop or any other online image editing tools.

Always use image .PNG, .GIF type images instead of .JPEG, .JPG. This will reduce your page load time.

#6 Limited Widgets :-

                   Widgets are very much important for a blog. However, sometimes it may cause some problem and the loading time of your blog may increase due to some widgets. Thus, it will be good to use

  • Avoid pop-up widgets

  • Do not implement too much social media widgets

  • Use only necessary widgets

By limiting the uses of widgets you can able to reduce the loading time of the blog and your blogging experience will be very much delightful.

#7 Compress your website with g-zip :-

      Compression reduces response times by reducing the size of the HTTP response. Gzipping generally reduces the response size by about 70%. Some caching extensions / plugins do it automatically, sometimes you need to set it up manually at the web server level.

#8 Add an Expires header :-

          Browsers use cache to reduce the number and size of HTTP requests and hence making web pages load faster. A web server uses the Expires header in the HTTP response to tell the browser how long a component can be cached. For static components: implement “Never expire” policy by setting far future Expires header, and for dynamic components use an appropriate Cache-Control header to help the browser with conditional requests.

While most caching systems take care of it, you need to look into it.

#9 Limited Advertisement :-
        It is advisable to reduce advertisement during blogging in the respective blog. Advertisement is coded with JavaScript and this will enhance pressure on the blog.

#10 Switch off all the plugins you don’t need or use :-

            I see a lot of WordPress and other sites that have a ton of plugins / extensions installed that are actually not used. Many of them require loading different css and javascript files – all that slows down your site. Perform a plugin audit and switch off all the plugins you don’t use.


"Those above are some significant tips are required to be followed in the blog/website for better performance of it and improving user experience and revenue at the same time.These tips are considered as best internet marketing strategy for blogging."

About Sarfras

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