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Whether you have just started a website for fun, or if you have designed a website to make a profit, actually earning money with your site will take some time and ingenuity.  If you are just getting into online moneymaking ventures, then you have even less chance of actually making money any time soon.  If you do not have sales skills, or SEO skills, you will not be able to earn much money with your site unless you get some help.

If you need marketing help, then you should ask for it, or purchase it, because you need good, organic traffic to your website.  Selling a product is hard, and even getting people to click on you PPC ads can be hard.  However, there is another option that will probably allow you to earn more money than you are even earning with Adsense.  This option is Cost Per View.

CPV is where a company pays you for every visitor that visits your website.  This means that you receive pay every time someone clicks on your link.   When people click on your link, an unobtrusive advertisement popup window opens in a separate window for them to view later. 

Some webmasters think that they will earn consistent money by selling banner space on their website on a weekly basis, selling fixed advertising, or through pay per click.  Though there are people that do earn consistent money using these methods, for most webmasters, the money is not as reliable as earning money for your site visitors.  Your site’s daily visitor count is perhaps one of the most predictable things when it comes to your website.  Because you know how many visitors you typically get, you can then have a good idea of how much you will be earning every day, every week or every year.

Many people mistakenly believe that PPC is the way to go, but they do not understand that PPC companies pay more per click to larger, big name companies than they do to smaller site owners, even if people click on the exact same ad on both websites.  In addition, with PPC, you have to earn a large amount of money to receive your payout.  eDomz offers you the chance to earn money and cash out as you go along, so you can be using your money to reinvest in your business and attract more readers and web visitors.

When you work with eDomz.Com you will get paid $4 to $10 for every 1000 people that come to your website.  These numbers can really add up, especially if you have a site with a daily organic visitor volume of 10,000 people or more.

Just a few tips from Edomz to improve your earnings –

  • Place our banner on top of your content area or any visible area on top of your website, it will have higher CPM rates and a good chance of conversion too.
  • Avoid placing our banners on bottom of your website or below your content, this will make the banner almost invisible to visitor’s eye and such traffic will have a very low CPM rate and these type of impressions don’t get converted for advertisers resulting in no income or very less income for you.
  • Try not to add more than 2 banners on a single page. Google won’t rank a site higher which has a lot of ads.

Even if you do not know anything about SEO, and how to get traffic to your site, it is worth hiring someone to optimize your site and market  it to attract visitors.  If that person can get 10,000 or more organic visitors to your website, you will be earning $40 a day on autopilot.  How wonderful would this be? join @ edomz

About Sarfras

WePress Theme is officially developed by Templatezy Team. We published High quality Blogger Templates with Awesome Design for blogspot lovers.The very first Blogger Templates Company where you will find Responsive Design Templates.
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